- Soild Mechanics, Materials in Extremes and Soft Matter
- 관리자 |
- 2021-10-11 17:29:09|
- 90
- 연구실명(국문)
- 고체역학 및 익스트림 재료 연구실
- 교수이름(영문)
- Cho, Hansohl
- 교수이름(국문)
- 조한솔
- 연구분야
- Multiphysics, multiscale and multiphase mechanics of solid materials and microstructures
Research field
- Macromechanics and micromechanics of polymeric solids and liquids, and crystalline matter
- Materials-by-design and architected materials: mechanics, geometry and 3D printing/additive manufacturing for aerospace, defense and energy applications
- Extreme mechanics and multi-physics in complex solids, liquids, composites (or copolymers) and energy materials
- Scientific computing and physical mathematics for aerospace computational design
- Physics-based design for soft (robotic) matter
Laboratory Introduction
- Website Address :
We tackle the complex engineering problems in emerging areas of Mechanics, Materials and Soft Matter using a combination of modeling, experimentation and computation. We are particularly interested in understanding physical principles underlying the large deformation, flow and interactions of solids and (macro- and micro-) structures (and liquids/fluids) in extreme, coupled and aerospace settings.
첨부파일 |
- 다음
- Opto-Electro-Robotics Lab
- 2021-10-11