학과 공지

  • 2022년 Schmidt Science Fellow 공과대학 후보자 추천 의뢰
  • 관리자 |
  • 2021-06-08 09:20:28|
  • 551
공과대학, 자연대학 등에서 추천된 후보자 중 총장님께서 최종 학교 후보자 5명을 선정하여 추천하실 예정으로 별첨 가이드 참고하시어 각 학과별 1명 추천을 부탁드립니다.

ㅁ 후보자 자격
Eligibility In order to be eligible for nomination to the Schmidt Science Fellows application process, candidates must meet the following requirements2 : 
• Have conducted their graduate degree in the natural sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences), Engineering, Mathematics, or Computing – and all sub-disciplines therein. 
• Have completed, or expect to complete, all of the requirements for the conferral of their PhD in one of these fields between 01 June 2021 and 30 July 2022. • Be available for the entire period of the 2022 program, from July 2022 to September 2023 including attendance of the Global Meeting Series (whether virtual or in person, as conditions allow, and including additional virtual programming). 
• Be nominated by a designated senior official at one of our nominating partner institutions.

ㅁ제출기간: 2021년 6월 12()

ㅁ제출자료: 별첨양식 및 후보자 CV
